Month: November 2022

Does Your Manuscript Need an Editor?

Are you an aspiring author with a draft manuscript you’ve polished as much as possible? You may be an excellent writer with an even better book idea, but regardless of your genre, you can be sure you are making rookie mistakes. 

Every author needs a manuscript editor. First-time authors can boost their odds of landing a literary agent when they work with a manuscript editor before they start querying agents. They should always hire a competent book editor if they plan to self-publish. 

New authors who aren’t yet familiar with the publishing industry may have no idea how to find the best manuscript editor. This guide offers tips to get you started.

What Is a Manuscript Editor? What Can a Book Editor Do for You?

Writing is an arduous and intimate process; completing a manuscript is a milestone in which you can shamelessly take pride. Acknowledging that you’ve accomplished something in completing your manuscript doesn’t mean your book is ready for publishing, though. No matter how good you are, your book is full of problems that need to be solved. That’s where a manuscript editor comes in.

Book editors come in a range of “flavors,” each specializing in a particular stage of the book-editing process. So when you’re talking about a book editor or manuscript editor, you’re thinking of an editor who can guide you through the first stage.

These editors are also called developmental editors, and they can:

  • Offer detailed feedback on your manuscript’s overarching structure. Manuscript editors critique your plot, world-building efforts, and character development if you have a fiction manuscript. They can offer feedback on your chapter organization and flow if you have a non-fiction manuscript.
  • Help you find your voice. New authors, particularly, often lack a clear writing voice. A manuscript editor can point you in the right direction and ensure that your book has a consistent tone. 
  • Point out frequent syntax and word-choice issues. Do you heavily rely on a particular sentence structure? Is your dialogue dull? Do you turn to the same words throughout your manuscript? Your manuscript editor will help you out.
  • Ensure your style is consistent. If you don’t have a style guide, your manuscript editor can help ensure your manuscript has a consistent style.

Developmental editing is the most in-depth part of the book-editing process, and your manuscript editor becomes an all-around “fixer” you’ll work with intimately. As your developmental editor critiques your manuscript and offers guidance, you inevitably develop a close working relationship. 

Developmental editing is half of the work. Line editors, copyeditors, and proofreaders come in later. If you have just written your first book, working with a manuscript editor before you begin to query literary agents can only increase your odds of getting published.

What Should You Consider Before Hiring a Manuscript Editor?

Nobody but you will invest as much in polishing your manuscript as your developmental editor. Your developmental editor will become the best friend who reliably offers harsh but honest feedback and the condescending teacher who turns out to be a great mentor — rolled into one. It’s impossible to overstate the importance of getting it right.

As you vet candidates, always consider the following factors:

  • Does the manuscript editor have (ample) experience in your niche? Many developmental editors work in more than one genre, but developing a specialty is common. Working with a seasoned manuscript editor who knows your genre inside out offers multiple benefits. These editors are familiar with tired tropes and great work alike. 
  • Does the manuscript editor have excellent references? Editors will happily tell you about their experience, but don’t take their word for it. Ask for references and speak to previous clients.
  • Do you get on with the candidate? You can count on your book editor to offer brutal feedback and to “mutilate” the creative baby that your manuscript represents. It’s all part of the process. You won’t be able to take it if you actively dislike your developmental editor. 
  • Will the manuscript editor offer feedback on your first chapter? If you like what you see so far, move on to the next step. Some developmental editors are happy to critique your first chapter for a fee. This trial period gives you valuable insights that help you decide whether you would like the developmental editor to work on the rest of your manuscript.
  • What is your budget? Your budget determines who you can hire. The fee depends on the length of your manuscript, the editor’s experience, and your niche. The fee depends on the length of your manuscript, the editor’s experience, and your niche — research market rates before you make your choice.

How to Find the Right Manuscript Editor for Hire

Finding the right manuscript editor for your book is daunting, especially if you don’t have industry connections.

You have a few options:

  • Find out who edited similar books you love. A book’s interior flap often reveals the name of the developmental editor who worked on the manuscript. Look for books in the same genre, authors with a similar profile, and recently-published books.
  • Look for referrals. You may already know published authors who can recommend manuscript editors. Don’t fret if you don’t, though! Many new authors document their entire experience online, including in YouTube videos. Some offer praise for their editors, and you can take full advantage.
  • Use online platforms to find developmental editors. Reputable platforms include the Book Editors Alliance, Reedsy, and the Editorial Freelancers Association. 

All these paths can lead to a productive and satisfying working relationship with a skilled developmental editor. The key lies in vetting candidates carefully and engaging them in honest conversation before you hire a manuscript editor. Never be afraid to ask all the hard questions because your developmental editor can make or break the success of your book. 

Finding the Right Developmental Editor for Your Manuscript: A Final Word

A skilled manuscript editor can help you transform your raw manuscript into a polished diamond ready for publishing. Your editor plays a massive role in your future success. Hiring the right developmental editor may be the most important choice you have ever made — so be careful and make sure you get it right.